Managing Diabetes with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Diabetes is a complex disease which challenges the body in many ways. Explained in the simplest terms, diabetes is a metabolic disease that prevents your body from using sugar properly, causing blood sugar levels to remain high. A normal pancreas produces sufficient amounts of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for helping glucose, or blood sugar, to enter into cells. It is in this way that your body's cells receive the energy necessary to sustain life. When this process is blocked due to a deficiency of the pancreas or other reason, diabetes ensues bringing a host of signs and symptoms. Some common signs and symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, excessive thirst, excessive eating, extreme fatigue, slow healing of cuts and wounds, infections, irritability, tingling or numbness in the extremities, and blurry vision.According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 4 people remain unaware that they live with diabetes. Sometimes the body will give warning signs that help your physician or acupuncture and Oriental medicine practitioner make an early diagnosis. It is…