5 Tips to Stay Healthy

5 Tips to Stay Healthy Seasonal changes affect the body's environment. With wind, rain, and snow come the cold and flu viruses, which are often accompanied with aches and pains. Guard yourself this season with these five tips: 1. Boost your Wei Qi If you catch colds easily, have low energy and require a long time recuperating from an illness, your Wei Qi may be deficient. Once the nature of an imbalance has been determined, a customized program can be created for you. 2. Schedule a Seasonal Tune-Up Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can prevent colds and flu by building up the immune system. Just a few needles inserted into key points strengthen the circulation of energy and consolidate the outer defense layers of skin and muscle along energy pathways so germs and viruses cannot enter through them. 3. Wash Your Hands Good lifestyle and hygiene habits are also proven to reduce your risk of getting sick. Protect yourself from picking up germs by washing your hands regularly and remembering not to touch your…

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Protect Your Lung Qi

Protect Your Lung Qi Lung 7, or LU 7, is one of the most powerful points on the lung meridian points. It is a popular acupuncture point to use for stopping a persistent cough and relieving a sore throat. Besides treating those symptoms, LU 7 is often used to treat conditions related to the head and neck, such as headaches, migraines, stiff neck, facial paralysis, and toothache. LU 7 is considered to be the "command point" of the head and neck and is also used to improve circulation in the brain and stimulate memory. This acupuncture point is located above the wrist on the inside of the arm. To find this point, interlock your thumb and index finger of one hand with those of the other, the point lies on the edge of the index finger, in a depression between the sinew and the bone. Stimulate this point on both hands with the tip of your index finger for approximately 30 seconds or until your cough subsides.

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3 Easy Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Relief

3 Easy Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Relief Here are some easy exercises to help relieve pain and other symptoms Posture Adjustment If you are on a computer all day, or if you are engaged in any other repetitive daily activity, consider setting an alarm for every 20 minutes.  This will help remind you to change your posture, perform some stretches, or just take a break.  Keep your head up and your shoulders relaxed, but not slouched.  Maintaining good posture, whether sitting or standing, can help keep symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome at bay.  Prayer Stretch  Put the palms of your hand together, press lightly and hold the pose for 30 seconds.  Take a break for 10 seconds, then repeat up to four times.  In a variation of this pose, you can hold your hands out in front of you as though you were pushing them up against a wall.  Hold for 30 seconds, then shake your hands out. Repeat up to four times. To stretch in the other direction, make your hands into…

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Reduce Your Repetitive Stress Injury Risk

Reduce Your Repetitive Stress Injury Risk Managing repetitive stress injuries often requires some lifestyle changes. It can take time to find a strategy that works best for you. Here are a few minor changes you can implement to minimize stress on your hands and wrists: Alternate Tasks -- avoid doing the same task for more than a couple of hours at a time and alternate between tasks that use different muscle groups where possible. Take a Break -- fatigue is a sign that you need to take a break. Take small breaks to gently stretch and bend your hands and wrists and readjust your position. Reduce Pressure -- many people use more force than needed to perform tasks involving their hands, which can increase pressure and cause irritation. Be mindful of the speed and amount of pressure used to perform tasks. Ease up, slow down and grip using your palm or whole hand to distribute the load. If using tools such as riveters or jackhammers for extended periods, take frequent breaks or operate…

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Challenge Your Brain

Challenge Your Brain Keep your mind active and challenged. Brain function decreases with age. Studies show that cognitive exercise can improve blood flow to the brain. Spend at least 15 minutes each day on a mental exercise such as a crossword puzzle, journaling or learning a new language in order to slow memory loss. However you choose to exercise your brain, acupuncture can help. Numerous studies suggest that acupuncture can help improve memory, mental clarity, concentration and cognitive function. One recently published study showed how acupuncture can be used to help patients with vascular dementia. Cerebral functional imaging before and after acupuncture treatments showed a significant increase in the cerebral glucose metabolism of the brain, which is associated with improved cognitive function. Other studies have looked at how acupuncture affects the performance of students taking an exam or those with Alzheimer's disease and memory impairment induced by diabetes and cerebral ischemia. All results, thus far, have been positive.

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Exercises to Improve Concentration

Exercises to Improve Concentration Trouble focusing on your work or losing steam mid-way? Oriental medicine has innovative approaches to restoring concentration, based on an interpretation of Qi, the energy which powers the body and the mind. According to Oriental Medicine, Qi stems from four main components of diet, exercise, rest and mental activity, each of which tend to vary in terms of quality, quantity, frequency, and duration. Looking at these components, you may realize you need to make adjustments to your diet, fitness, and relaxation strategies in order to make them more sustainable and conducive to improved brain function and overall health. If you are bloated or tired after meals or struggling to fall asleep after turning off the computer, you already know what actions you need to take to nourish your Qi and mind! Meditation and Tai Chi can also help calm and focus the mind. Try integrating these exercises, to nourish and improve your concentration. Eye Exercise for Concentration Prolonged focus on a fixed location can cause eyestrain as well as…

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Boost Your Mental Energy, Recall, and Focus

Boost Your Mental Energy, Recall, and Focus Are you having difficulties recalling what you ate for dinner last night, or do you tend to forget what you are talking about in mid conversation? Do you have trouble coming up with new ideas or find yourself having to study twice as much to retain half the information? Fuzzy thinking can muddle our words as much as our thoughts. It can drain our creative juices, zap our confidence and make us question our intelligence. Here are a few acupressure exercises to improve your mental function: Mental Energy Boost For a quick boost of mental energy, press point Shuigou. It is located between the bottom of your nose and your upper lip, in the vertical groove that is technically called the philtrum. Simply tap the area with moderate force for about 30 seconds to help revitalize your mind and bring your awareness back to the present moment. Memory Recall Boost When you're struggling to recall information and can't quite do it, try applying pressure to point…

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Injury Prevention and Healing

Fitness clubs across the country are full of enthusiastic individuals giving it their all to get fit or drop a few pounds. Unfortunately, trying to do too much too quickly can result in a painful price. Common sports injuries treated by acupuncture and Oriental medicine include pulled muscles, neck pain, shoulder impingement, tennis elbow, lower back strain, pulled groin, hamstring strain, runner's knee, shin splints, ankle sprain, tendinitis, and foot pain. Treatment for a sports injury with acupuncture and Oriental medicine has two objectives: 1. Reduce pain and inflammation of the injured area. There is evidence that acupuncture can aid healing and resolution of injuries, including reducing pain, increasing local micro-circulation and attracting white blood cells to the area (both of which speed the healing rate), and aid dispersal of swelling and bruising. 2. Prevent further injuries and enhance athletic performance. The best way to approach a fitness program without causing injury is to avoid diving in. Instead, take it slow and get the joints and muscles you haven't used in a while…

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Improve Your Heart Health

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels, and is responsible for carrying nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other waste from them. Diseases affecting the cardiovascular system include arteriosclerosis, coronary artery disease, heart valve disease, arrhythmia, heart failure, hypertension, orthostatic hypotension, shock, endocarditis, diseases of the aorta and its branches, disorders of the peripheral vascular system and congenital heart disease. Symptoms women are more likely to experience include shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, back or jaw pain, dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting, pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen and extreme fatigue. By integrating acupuncture and Oriental medicine into a heart-healthy lifestyle, you can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as 80 percent. Steps to prevention include managing high blood pressure and cholesterol, eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, physical activity, reducing stress, improving sleep quality and smoking cessation--all of which can be helped with acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Five Steps to a Healthy Heart with Acupuncture 1. Manage High Blood Pressure High…

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7 Nutrients to Support the Immune System

A class of plant chemicals known as bioflavonoids has been found to dramatically reduce inflammation and improve symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders. Tea Both green and black tea contain the flavonoids catechin and theaflavin, which are beneficial in treating autoimmune disease. Apples Apples (with the skin on) contain the flavonoid quercetin, which can reduce allergic reactions and decrease inflammation. Quercetin also occurs naturally in other foods, such as berries, red grapes, red onions, capers and black tea. Carrots Carotenoids are a family of plant pigments that include beta-carotene. A lack of carotenoids in the diet is can cause inflammation. Good sources of carotenoids include apricots, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, kale, butternut squash and collard greens. Garlic Garlic contains a compound called allicin which supports the immune system and has both antimicrobial and antioxidant qualities. Research suggests that components of garlic may reduce the incidence of cancer cell formation in the body in much the same way vitamin C does. Ginger Ginger contains compounds called gingerols that reduce inflammation in the body by…

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